--- ICPDP-99 top page ---
The Second International Conference
on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Hotel Kowaki-en, Hakone, JAPAN
May 24-28, 1999
Organized by Space Plasma Committee, ISAS

Foreign participants are requested to inform us about their travel detail.

What's New
[Announcement] [Program] [Access/Guide] [Correspondence]




Link to ISAS home page The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Y.Nakamura (Chairman, ISAS)
T.Yokota (Scientific Secretary, Ehime Univ.)

ICPDP-99 is Sponsored by
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.

cover photo: comet Hale-Bopp(C/1995o1) over Mt.Fuji
about this web page: Web Master (S.Sato, Nippon Inst. of Tech.)